Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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78 lines
* *
* MCX11 Clock Driver task and Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for the RTI *
* timer of the HC11 chip. *
* *
* This task should be assembled with the source of MCX11 as it is considered *
* a system task and does not need to clutter up the application code. *
* *
* --- N O T I C E --- *
* *
* This code assumes that the clock driver is task 1. If your assignment is *
* different, be sure you make the necessary changes in this module or things *
* are not going to work. *
* *
CLKTASK equ 1 Clock driver is normally task # 1.
clkdrv clrb Use task semaphore for synchronization.
FCB .wait. Wait for a timer to expire.
tmrdone ldx ACTIVE Get the address of the first active timer.
beq clkdrv Make sure there is one.
ldd CTOCKS,x If timer exists, check TOCK count to see
* if it has expired. (count <= 0)
bgt clkdrv If TOCK count > 0, timer hasn@@t expired.
ldd CLINK,x Timer has expired. Unlink it from active
std ACTIVE timer thread. (ACTIVE <== (NEXT))
ldd FREE Then put it into the unused timer thread.
std CLINK,x (NEXT <== (FREE), FREE <== (CURRENT))
stx FREE
ldd CTASK,x Get waiting task and semaphore numbers.
*** (V1.4) ***
swi |
FCB .signal. In either case, signal the waiting task |
* that timer has expired.
ldx CRESET,x Also get the Cyclic Timer Reset counts.
bpl tmrdone If reset counter >= 0, timer is a one-shot.|
FCB .timer. Otherwise, time is cyclic and needs to be
* reinserted into the timer thread.
bra tmrdone Then go see if another timer expired too.
* *
* RTI Interrupt Service Routine *
* *
rtiisr ldaa #RTIF Reset the interrupt flag
staa TFLG2
dec tickcnt Decrement TICK count to see if TOCK
beq tockdon
rtixit rti If not a TOCK, exit quickly.
tockdon ldaa #TOCK For a TOCK, reset the TICK count.
staa tickcnt
ldx ACTIVE See if there is an active timer.
beq rtixit If not, return immediately.
ldd CTOCKS,x Decrement the TOCK count
subd #1 If timer didn@@t expire, quick exit.
std CTOCKS,x
bne rtixit
tst intlvl Here we have an expired timer. Test the
bne cnotl1 interrupt nest level. branch if not lvl 1
tst curtsk If level 1, test if Dispatcher was
beq cnotl1 interrupted. If so, treat as system.
ldx curtcb If a task was interrupted, get its TCB
sts ACTSP,x address and save the stack pointer.
lds #SYSTACK Set up system stack pointer.
cnotl1 inc intlvl Bump interrupt nest level.
cli Enable interrupts.
ldab #NNAMSEM+CLKTASK Set up task semaphore # for clock driver.
jmp isrrtn Do a context switch to clock driver.